aiwanese Police   
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         Taiwan police

loopholes in social security


United Daily, 2024-7-4: The number of substitute military service in this year will increase 9 times more than those before, mainly calling from the police system and fire extinguishing system  udn.com/news/story/10930/8074003?from=udn_ch2cate6638sub10930_pulldownmenu_v2


Yahoo News, The China Times (中時), 2024-5-12: National Police Agency severely punished 26 middle-level and high-level police officers in one go, pulling down many rising stars in the field;  Recently there have been reports of police discipline issues, ranging from grassroots police officers being involved in illegal activities (such as covering up casino corruption) to police chief enjoying feast together with gang member under jurisdiction...   besides, a corruption case by police Senior Specialist (刑事局警政監) of the Criminal Investigation Bureau broke out.   It's time to clean up the police force.  tw.news.yahoo.com/520前警界風暴-201000581.html   chinatimes.com/opinion/20240512002594-262101?chdtv

  United Daily, 2024-7-12: Two major fatal shootings recently result in the public panic, the police has so far found no important clues or evidence of the cases. If the government cannot treat the root causes and just make some declarations, the murderers will never be caught. udn.com/news/story/7338/8089830?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2

United Daily, 2024-7-13: The outbreak of police discipline cases is nothing more than greed or laziness, but it is also caused by the police becoming a tool for politicians which is for a long time.udn.com/news/story/123912/8092108?from=redpush

United Daily (聯合報, 2024-5-18): In Taiwan parliament brawl at May 17,  the ruling party took the lead to attack opposition lawmakers, police ... udn.com/news/story/11091/7972548?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2  (CNN, Reuters, Fox News, Independent (2024-5-17): Taiwan parliament brawl escalates into night as lawmakers shove, tackle and hit each other)

United Daily (聯合報, 2024-5-18): After taking the power, president Tsai Ing-wen fully intervened in the personnel transfers of prosecutors and police.  Various factions of the ruling party have tried to control the personnel policy of the prosecution, the investigation and police udn.com/news/story/7338/7971836?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2


United Daily (聯合報, 2024-7-10): The number of suicide and self-mutilation/self-harm in the military and police hits new high.udn.com/news/story/7340/8084596?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2


United Daily (聯合報, 2024-7-15): President Lai Ching-te claims that the government's crackdown on "black gold", illegal drugs and fraud won't work unless it is a "country-wide movement".   The right logic should be combating lawlessness requires the police and the justice. The gov. arrested 2000 gangsters within 4 days - Why do the police usually let them roam around and deliberately "blend into the society" to harm the public, and didn't arrest them until high ranking officials' order? Or the police have been waiting for the right moment to have "rewards" ? udn.com/news/story/7338/8095070?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2

United Daily (聯合報, 2024-6-2): According to usual practice, the Taiwan government has the power to appoint police chiefs for direct-administered municipalities, but local governments should be respected. However, this time was different, the Minister of the Interior provided a lisle for Taipei City Mayor's selection, but eventually the central gov. appointed another one to that position. Furthermore,  The ruling party's  city council member criticized Taipei mayor as a child who cries when he can't get candy.  udn.com/news/story/7338/8003898?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2


United Daily (聯合報, 2024-2-24): Taiwan police repeatedly treated Taiwanese people by violence or brutality just like taking Taiwan back to  the medieval century, their violations of human rights and proportionality, similar to that in Chinese fishermen deaths event, were done without video recording.
For example, three policemen in PinTong (
屏東) tortured a person suspected of stealing by batons, and soon resulted in a death event.  Another case in TaoYuan (桃園), a teenager passing by police station was forcefully dragged into investigation room and was tortured by stun gun, etc, for more than one hour.  
Tsai Ing-wen in 70th anniversary of International Asso. Judges meeting stated that the pursuit of human rights is never ending, Taiwan is working tirelessly to achieve the highest international standards of judicial independence and human rights protections. However, to say a beautiful slogan is one thing to do is another.  brief udn.com/news/story/11091/7790040?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2


United Daily (聯合報, 2024-1-19): The police promotion relies on public relations capabilities (to bury some negative news, or even murder cases) rather than case-handling expertise, which probably results in the public do not feel Taiwan a place with good social security.當執法單位把壓負面新聞的公關視為重要能力,當執法機關的人事調整看公關能力、而不看偵辦案件等專業能力,或許正是為何政府一再以各種數據強調如今治安多好,民眾感覺卻是為何到處槍響...。如果連發生命案,都可以透過公關能力壓住不讓訊息外露,警方提出的數據中,又還有多少被隱藏的密碼?  

United Daily (聯合報, 2024-2-4): Taiwan's Police are physically and mentally exhausted due to high performance pressure. In the past ten years,  five police officers,  in average, committed suicide every year Performance appraisal should pays equal attention to both quantity and quality indicators.  udn.com/news/story/7339/7753517?from=udn_ch2cate6643sub7339_pulldownmenu_v2


Transparency International, Germany /  Global Corruption Barometer, released in 2022 -
comparisons among main Asian countries
The percentage (67%) Taiwanese people paid a bribe to police is much higher than

that in China, Japan, S. Korea and Malaysia


people who think
 is a big problem
public service
 paid a bribe
in the previous
 12 months
police gov.
in previous
Taiwan 90% 17% 67% 19% 20% 38%
Japan 84 2 10 7 26 36
Malaysia 71 13 30 28 16 20
China 62 28 16 18 18 39
S Korea 55 10 8 26 42 17

Washington Post (2023-10-31):
Taiwan's national police can't even access or send data to the 19 databases of Interpol.   washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/10/31/china-taiwan-affairs-challenges/

United Daily (聯合報, 2023-8-8): For preparing an urban warfare in the future, Taiwanese government expands its police and military police, etc.  Taiwan Military Police seems to replace Marine Corps to be the 4th armed services  (行政院研擬擴編保安警察第二總隊,據透露,第一批先徵調735人,進駐三峽保一總隊營區,至新屋反恐訓練中心接受軍方施訓12周。再視情況分批增補。憲兵指揮部兵力員額擴編後,儼然取代海軍陸戰隊,成為第四軍種)udn.com/news/story/11596/7352871


United Daily  (聯合報), 2023-11-18:  The very serious "abnormal" relationship between the police and the prosecution was exposed recently.  The systems of judiciary, prosecution and police are rotten from the rootsudn.com/news/story/7338/7582230?from=udn_ch2cate6643sub7338_pulldownmenu_v2

United Daily  (聯合報),  2023-12-3: Almost all major criminal cases in recent years have shown that politicians are involved.   Japan's law against YAKUZA ("暴力团对策法") won't work in Taiwan unless the people in power have a high degree of determination to fight against mafia gangsters/gangs.
The relationship between the "clean syndicates" and mafia in Taiwan is complicated.  The former have long relied on gangsters to contribute huge financial flows.  Simply establishing a law similar to Japan's "暴力团对策法" cannot solve the fundamental problem


United Daily , 2023-9-30:  The Investigation, Police, Prosecution should not be government's tool and 'enforcer' any more.  (民眾買到黑色臭蛋... 檢警調和監察院如果還有一點良知,就請查查真正的「綠壞蛋」們,別再當蔡政府的打手和工具了

The Guardian, BBC, 2023-7-24: Two policemen in Taiwan are being investigated after a court convicted a man of sexually assaulting a 13-tear-old girl they used to help catch him - she had accused of blackmailing her.  In the botched undercover operation, police say she was against the officers' instructions, "suddenly" got into Chang's car.  Two higher-ranking officers, including the then-chief of the precinct's police department and the then-chief of investigation, have also been disciplined   ref to bbc.com/news/world-asia-66287776

CNN, 2023-7-26  edition.cnn.com/2023/07/26/asia/taiwan-police-operation-girl-assaulted-intl-hnk/index.html According to the court verdict, Chang solicited sex from the girl, offering about $160, and asked her for nude photos. They agreed to meet at a hotel several days later – and when the girl didn't show up, Chang threatened to leak her explicit photos online.  The police put together a sting operation, with the girl agreeing to meet with Chang under the pretense of having sex with him


Independent, BBC, 2023-6-20:  the drugging of preschool children in Taiwan have sparked widespread alarm on the island.  Some teachers at the kindergarten gave children phenobarbital to “make them more compliant”. A rally  calling for greater transparency from the police investigation, with many criticising authorities for their lack of public disclosure.  bbc.com/news/world-asia-65947346   Derek Cai      CNN, 2023-6-21: parents told police that their children were irritable and showed self-harming behaviors...   NBC, 2023-6-21:  the children appeared “irritable” and at times physically aggressive.  news.yahoo.com/kindergarten-teachers-accused-drugging-children-120403604.html


Taipei Times , 2023-4-26: Special Police Corps would protect key infrastructure, not to engage in military action, Minister of the Interior says.  They would be trained by military personnel dispatched from the Ministry of National Defense to combat and shoot in confined spaces, and use machine guns and grenades Police officers are to undergo anti-infiltration and counterassault training to enhance their ability to protect Taiwan's key infrastructure.  "If it is wartime, a wartime system would be enforced".  taipeitimes.com/News/front/archives/2023/04/26/2003798624  Taipei Times , 2023-4-24: The Cabinet is also planning to expand the Second Special Police Corps to 4,000 officers in an effort to safeguard more than 500 critical infrastructure sites.   The Second Special Police Corps (保二總隊) is responsible for protecting nuclear power plants and science parks, while the Seventh Special Police Corps is responsible for the safety of financial institutes and reservoirs. The Cabinet should seek to build a consensus in the legislature to ensure the bills pass, DPP Legislator Wang Ting-yu said. taipeitimes.com/News/front/archives/2023/04/24/2003798499  CTV (中視), 2023-4-26: They said the government is planning to build police to be alternative army stirring a backlash by lower elements police...  Deputy Premier said: There is a line between army and police.  DPP Legislator 趙天麟 (Tiō Thian-lîn): military trainings include 1. Rifle and machine gun training   2. Grenade throwing   3. Small force units combat  4.  Skills in close Melee combat  5. Fighting in urban warfare  6. Shooting in urban warfare   youtube.com/watch?v=0dyF1ARgWjY