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         Taiwan judiciary  not independent

Taiwan judiciary crashes, rotten & stinky justice shakes Taiwan to the core


Prosecutors indict former presidential candidate Ko   ♦    He and his supports accused  a political vendetta

  Washington Post, 2025-1-17 With Ko's indictment, the KMT and TPP are accusing Lai of abusing his powers to politically influence the judiciary.  Opposition supporters have been holding large-scale demonstrations in recent weeks.  Ko denies the charges, which his supporters say are politically motivated. “It's political persecution",  "an end to “DPP tyranny”.
In last year's presidential election, Ko with his party's strong performance key to why Lai's ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) lost its legislative majority.
  Foreign Policy, 2025-2-3 The ruling party's launching what many see as a political witch hunt against the leader of the third party...... the TPP slammed “green authoritarianism”and warned that if the DPP could use the judicial system against Ko, it could go after any other politician.
  New York Times,   2024-12-26 Ko has denied the charges and said that he was the victim of a political vendetta mounted by Mr. Lai's government...thousands of supporters  gathered in protests, arguing that the allegations were  flimsy and politically motivated, and that seemingly corrupt politicians from Mr. Lai's DPParty had been spared investigations.    nytimes.com/2024/12/26/world/asia/taiwan-presidential-candidate-indicted.html
  Bloomberg,   2024-12-26 The Taiwan People's Party (founded by Ko) denounced the indictment in a press briefing : “Today, Taiwan is experiencing judicial injustice, with politics and state machinery being used to persecute political opponents,” The indictment “lacks financial evidence and concrete proof, relying solely on pieced-together claims to destroy political adversaries.”
  WSWS.org,   2025-1-6 While the 610,000-word indictment did expose Ko's complicated political-business nexus and profit-making corporation, it has yet to establish meaningful monetary inflows and outflows that he and the real estate magnate were accused of making during his tenure as mayor. the DPP-aligned media run daily defamatory allegations of misconducts against him, the indictment would suffice to tarnish Ko Wen-je's brand and the TPP... A few DPP supporters have issued explicit fascist death threats to particular MPs from the two opposition parties.wsws.org/en/articles/2025/01/06/bkbn-j06.html
  United Daily (Taiwan),   2024-12-27 President Lai Ching-te treats the justices(大法官) like lackeys(鷹犬); How noble can the prosecutors be?  The indictment document is the most powerful proof of the prosecution acting as a political lackey.
  United Daily (Taiwan),   2024-12-28 The prosecutors failed to uncover Ko's cash flow for bribery (收賄金流). During the investigation process, the prosecution kept leaking secrets to some DPP-friendly media, using them to do media-framing or hyping up the situation(炒作帶風向), regardless of repeatedly criticisms from public opinions. The prosecution no longer cares their credibility, or just flattered the leading politicians
  BBC (UK),   2024-12-26 Ko's allies and supporters accused the DPP of using the charges to suppress its opponents.


 War On The Rocks (2024-9-20): Washington is quietly watching how Taiwan's new president Lai consolidates power, using the court to prosecute former vice premier Cheng Wen-tsan over corruption allegations.  Cheng's arrest reflects an intra-party political struggle between a pair of long-time rivals.  The arrest and detention of Taiwan People's Party chairman and former Taipei City Mayor Ko Wen-je on corruption charges, as well as a number of corruption cases involving Kuomintang (KMT) officials have Lai's critics protesting that he is using the judiciary to persecute rivals.  Washington observers might worry that Lai is undermining the independence of the judicial system...


Chair of TPP, the third largest political party, experienced abuses in Taiwan's prosecution

 Financial Times (UK), 2024-9-6: Prosecutors' swift moves against Cheng (former premier 鄭文燦) and Ko Wen-je (Chairman of TPP) have prompted Taiwanese commentators to question whether Lai was “cleaning house” of political rivals or pushing an anti-corruption crackdown to win back public support (divert attention from the current chaos in domestic politics.). an official at the Judicial Yuan said investigators typically sounded out their superiors before proceeding with big cases, especially those involving vested interests or politicians. “In a case like this, a signal would have been given from above before they go and detain him" .ft.com/content/65c8f0f5-de31-4f10-89cb-b2f5acfddc2b


TaiwanPlus News, 2024-9-3: After being released by the court at 2024-9-2, TPP founder & chairperson Ko Wen-je told reporters he experienced "extreme oppression, mistreatment and abuse" (「極盡壓迫跟凌虐」) by prosecutors during two days' detention in graft probe....

Council on Foreign Relations, 2024-9-3: Ko Wen-je──accuses the government of attempting to “suppress” its opponents and the press and judiciary of “being the government's political tools.”

Asia Nikkei (Japan), 2024-9-5
:Taiwan's Ko Wen-je accuses government of witch hunt ... and launched broadsides against the legal system and the press, accusing them of doing the bidding of President Lai Ching-te's Democratic Progressive Party..."the judiciary and the media being the government's political tools" ( the KMT's most powerful lawmaker, that most legal professionals only listen to the DPP)

The Diplomat, 2024-9-3: The TPP increasingly began leaning into the narrative that Ko's arrest was a form of political persecution...

TaiwanPlus News, 2024-9-3: video  msn.com/en-us/news/world/ko-wen-je-released-as-corruption-probe-continues-taiwanplus-news/vi-AA1pQxJ5?ocid=BingNewsVerp
cti-news video, 2024-9-3 :
 Ko Wen-je: today's judiciary and media are tools for politics and ruling the country
不是) youtube.com/watch?v=vSpc6xmIHmo


Country Reports on Human Rights Practices  - Taiwan , 2024-4-22 :   Some political commentators and academics, however, publicly questioned the impartiality of judges and prosecutors involved in high profile, politically sensitive cases.


The Guardian, 2024-1-7: Taiwan braces for "big deal" presidential election ...There are also Care for children and the elderly, corruption, judicial reform, education and rights for minorities are also immediate concern.


 Taiwan detains former vice premier from ruling party in corruption probe

Bloomberg, 2024-7-12  A court ordered Cheng Wen-tsan detained while he is investigated for corruption, the latest development in the highest-profile graft probe in the democratically run archipelago since President Chen Shui-bian in 2008.yahoo.com/news/taiwan-detains-former-vice-premier-011805411.html
Independent, 2024-7-12 The ruling party pledged to combat corruption when Lai Ching-te became its leader in 2023 and won the presidency in the January election.  Mr Cheng was seen as a potential presidential contender, and is known for his moderate stance on Taiwan’s relations with mainland China and advocacy for normal exchanges.yahoo.com/news/taiwan-detains-former-vice-premier-103340005.html
Radio Taiwan International, 2024-7-12 Prosecutors are accusing Cheng of accepting bribes, leaking information, and laundering money, among several other crimes.  Cheng has strong political and business connections, and concerns were raised about potential collusion...
United Daily, 2024-7-12 Cheng took bribes 7 years ago, for the past years, they can always grasp the situation of the secret investigation.   How did the state machine protect him ?
Taiwan's corruption is a serious issue -  United Daily (2024-7-13 udn.com/news/story/7338/8092107?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2): They said Lai Ching-te is making an example to warn many others in former president Tsai Ing-wen's faction, hence some politicians should be trying to show their loyalty to protect themselves.  United Daily (2024-7-10): The other factions and the opposition should get very jumpy or anxiety about something that is going to happen.


United Daily  (聯合報), 2024-2-24:  Judicial reform fails !  udn.com/news/story/11091/7790040?from=udn-catehotnews_ch2
United Daily  (聯合報), 2023-11-18:
 The very serious "abnormal" relationship between the police and the prosecution was exposed recently.  The systems of judiciary, prosecution and police are rotten from the roots.udn.com/news/story/7338/7582230?from=udn_ch2cate6643sub7338_pulldownmenu_v2


TIME, 2023-11-20:  the government's judicial reform website hasn't been updated since 2020. “Does that mean the government didn't do anything or just doesn't care about this topic?” asked the spokesman for a lawyer's group pointedly.  time.com/6336441/taiwan-presidental-election-william-lai-profile/


TaiwanPlus, 2024-4-19:   Judge's Suicide Inspires 'White Flower' Judicial Reform Movement in Taiwan.  taiwanplus.com/news/taiwan-news/labor-affairs/240419006/judges-suicide-inspires-white-flower-judicial-reform-movement-in-taiwan


United Daily  (聯合報), 2023-11-18:  The very serious "abnormal" relationship between the police and the prosecution was exposed recently.  The systems of judiciary, prosecution and police are rotten from the roots.udn.com/news/story/7338/7582230?from=udn_ch2cate6643sub7338_pulldownmenu_v2


TaiwanPlus, 2023-3-6: Taiwan Poll Finds Widespread Public Mistrust of Prosecutors  msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/taiwan-poll-finds-widespread-public-mistrust-of-prosecutors-taiwanplus-news/vi-AA18glWE


National ChungCheng University (ccu.edu),   2023-2-13: study the percentage of Taiwanese trust in the judges is 32.8%.

United Daily, 2023-7-18: Many judgments follow directions from the ruling party  udn.com/news/story/7338/7307107?from=udn_ch2cate6643sub7338_pulldownmenu_v2

China Times, 2023-7-30 Taiwan vice president Lai Ching-te says there is a long long way to go before the legal reform satisfying the public.  In 2019, Mr. Lai said the legal reform will be half way done if we can eliminate rotten and illegal judges and prosecutors.  chinatimes.com/opinion/20230730002752-262101?chdtv
  United Daily, 2023-7-17 Tens of thousands joined a protest in Taipei, their main demand was to express dissatisfaction with judiciary and housing price. the KMT's Hou You-yi says judicial reform is an empty shell, Terry Guo says both policy are "bad checks", Dr. Ko Wen-je of Taiwan People's Party says the public do not trust our legal system.  udn.com/news/story/123619/7304940?from=udn_ch2cate6638sub123619_pulldownmenu_v2



  China Times, editorial , 2023-4-10 an anti-corruption union is what Taiwan needs, KMT earns public trust on anti-corruption issue?  ...The vaccine procurement case involving huge profits is full of doubts, but the prosecutors and investigation gov. don't even touch it !  chinatimes.com/opinion/20230410004586-262101?chdtv