cartoons of justice, judges, judiciary  !              
   this site's world No. 1 in 2020~23,  2017~19,   2016,  2015, 2014,  2013 2010~12    ★  Top rankings since 1998  

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blind lady of Justice



pic.:  USA Country Reports on Human Rights practices, 
3-13-2019, 4-20-2018, 3-3-2017

: The justice ministry of Taiwan was insufficiently independent and conducted politically motivated investigations of politicians...


The United Daily,  06-18-2016,   Head page news:
Taiwan's prosecutors admitted that they usually follow their
superior's order to conclude legal cases...


(美國2017~2019人權報告: 台灣司法不獨立, 司政治任務;






judge cartoon





pic.: The Liberty Times,
 head-line news, 3-16-2019:
Taiwan's prime minister:
ome decisions the justice made
are far from
people's expectations



United Daily 4-9-2019: Taiwan's 3 presidents majoring in the Laws
, and the Legislators should be responsible for
the lousy image of judiciary as well


與立委 應為司法形象負責任

ps: this cartoon modifies the author's own cartoon
 in the UDN group printed about 25 years ago



  United Daily, editorial, 5-6-2019: Control Yuan should impeach of Taiwanese prosecutors for underprivileged people, not just for their own politicians.

 ◆  Epoch Times, 1-17-2003:   The Control Yuan of Taiwan warned to impeach of Taiwanese prosecutors' abuse of inner conviction since 2003.

The United Daily, 10-23-2018: The independence of Taiwanese  prosecutor's handling legal cases has still been questioned ....

















★   pic: The laws gave services to the power












 judge justice cartoon







Liberty Times (自由時報)


headline news:


 Taiwan's Prime Minister:




OUT !!


淘汰恐龍司法官 !






   The Liberty Times,  06-19-2016  UDN, 3-6-2017: Taiwan judicial system has been ruler's political tool, law officers have been controlled by politics
  Taiwan's judiciary still works as a hatchet
man for KMT political party.









Trump poligraph lie detector test








Mona Lisa cartoon



pic.:  Mona Lisa encounters Taiwan state apparatus



pic.: Trump in polygraph test

likes Taiwan prosecutor's inner conviction better



ps : The Control Yuan (Dept. of Monitor) warned to impeach
Taiwanese prosecutors' abuse of inner conviction ("not free" beweiswurdigung)








 Justice was raped  !

God of Justice cartoon


Taiwan Justice sys. is ruler's tool,

 judiciary is controlled by politics

 - Liberty Times, 6-19-2016

Nearly 80% Taiwanese don't believe

 judges and prosecutors


Nearly 80% Taiwanese are not satisfied

 with gov. measures against corruption

  - Liberty Times 2-23-2016





democracy  vs  DEMOcrazy







Torture on Taiwan's own people -

a major difference from what CIA did (ps2)


Professor Lin R.S. was subject to electromagnetic

wave attacks / French AFP, Bangkok Post, 

 Dec. 2011, Yahoo UK & Ireland, etc












(1) The chef shouted "the exit is there ! the toilet is out there !!"
to the dining customers in the presence of large number of
customers in a 5 star hotel restaurant
committed no any
humiliation offense in Taiwan
(2) The expert examinations failed to tell who spoke those
loud and clear phrases 



(3) "toilet" is a symbol of waste, and stinky, dirty things.


(4) Taiwan isn't a foodie-friendly country, or a civilized country   -  compared with the rules for American's restaurants - ref. to Forbes, 9-3-2012, New York Times, 10-29-2009.




Taiwan travel

see the case in English,   the case in Chinese


pic.: a "VIP" seat in Taiwan's 5 star hotel restaurant - this modifies the author Zola Zu's cartoon in the China Times about 25 years ago








Taiwan justice


Major crimes fled easily,
The little or innocent took the rap


Taiwan's legislators and judicial system don't have a sense

 of shame on releasing many int'l telecomm scammers

and fraud groups  (United Daily, 8-24-2016 editorial ).


  In the past 8 years, about 100 major crimes escaped

overseas easily and happily (Next magazine, Liberty Times, 12-31-2015),

 including the leader of Legislators, Liu 劉松藩 (apple daily 12-8-2016) ps3











                    Taiwan politics





 ★   political  theatrics   ★  circus  showbiz   ★  司法&政治迫害

political oppression/persecution in Taiwan











                    Justice judge cartoons






 ★   In Taiwanese mind,  the judiciary is as out-of-date as the ancient animals  ★  侵入民宅   驅逐有罪     


in the US, the victim can gun shoot an unwanted intruder

, but in Taiwan, you will be charged by criminal laws if pushing the intruder out  by naked hands

 ... see the case in English, the case in Chinese
















★   pic: Taiwanese judge thinks dizzy, sleepy,  disabled elderly (aged about 90) definitely can stand independently during sleeping time,
the care-giver's running away which resulted in the elderly's falling down is not against the laws.
   ps: hospital: medicines may cause dizzy...   click to see the case the case in Chinese


    檢察官: 老人夜半睡夢 可以獨立行走 摔倒活該



  Taiwan fraud  : The suspect attempted to commit fraud, is not a crime of <attempted fraud>, concluded by Taiwan's high prosecutors. full details












Has Taiwan been doing something
so base

to its own national(s)
―  treat 'em like enemies
or traitors ??


(state-violence drama - flunkies and opportunists  humiliating or persecuting the innocent targets)

political oppression

sort of "dancing-monkey-parade", dusty old political theatrics

like what happened in world war II, Chinese cultural revolution, and Chinese civil war
(ROC fooled int'l reporters by a fake show of big military victory in Yan 'an starring by fake prisoners of war )

 return in new forms   †


Public shaming showbiz returns ? ps10
 like those kinds happened in world war II and cultural revolution in chn.   †

left: CIA waterboarding
right: The "suspect" poisons the little by painting a picture of "state enemy" 

 Electrocution  method 2.0


 freedom of expression is re-defined
"pls. feel free to express(scream) when I  'rape' u !"   †



more readings


ps: UDN 12-20-2016 chief editorial <Be careful the "state violence" ghost camouflaged themselves in new forms >:
New-form state violence never end (brief;  full text


ps 2: We should not let "public trial" by media (being misled by fake news offered by TW prosecutors & police)

happen again / Apple Daily, Opinion, 4-22-2017